
Don’t Face Your Tax Audit Alone

Retain us for dedicated tax audit representation in San Francisco AND THE BAY area

Have you received a notice that you’re being audited? The Law Offices of Eric Gravel can help. We provide audit representation services in the Oakland and San Francisco, CA areas. Due to the recent changes in the political climate, the IRS is more willing to make an agreement with you for your audit. Our attorney will help you reach a fair agreement so you can move on from this situation.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation for your tax audit representation.

2 things to know about audits

Here are a few things you should know before you come to us for tax audit representation:

We’ll represent you to make sure you don’t get taken advantage of. Reach out to us for more information on audit representation services.

Get help: Taxpayers should never represent themselves during an audit. IRS agents are well-trained and knowledgeable, meaning they audit thousands of returns and can recognize landmines immediately. They know exactly how to question taxpayers to get the answers they need. The audit is like a 1,000:1 match during which taxpayers understandably become emotional, and from that point on, they can become easy prey for the IRS.

Prepare: You need to be prepared with as much documentation as possible. The IRS appreciates good document preparation and is much more likely to give well-organized taxpayers the benefit of the doubt about their deductions.

A man and a woman are sitting at a table using a calculator.
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